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This collection offers a glimpse into Hyde's world, showcasing his distinctiveness and uniqueness. Just as there are many stars but only one moon, Hyde stands out. The design features a large moth and a few butterflies, symbolising that while they may appear similar, they are inherently different. This serves as a metaphor for embracing one's individuality and authenticity, highlighting the futility of trying to be someone else. The inclusion of a rose in the design symbolises love, passion, and the complexity of Hyde's character. Like the rose, Hyde has layers to his personality, with thorns representing the challenges he faces. Despite these challenges, the rose blooms beautifully, symbolizing Hyde's growth and resilience. Together with the moth and butterflies, the rose signifies the beauty that comes from embracing one's true self, flaws and all. 


In Hyde's perspective of the plot, he's the protagonist, this collection is to capture that. 

Jekyll & Hyde Official Tee

SKU: AM001
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